Monday, January 28, 2008

We have snow......FINALLY!!!!

We FINALLY have snow! The news has been predicting snow for a couple of months now, and they finally got it right. The girls got out the sleds and went sledding down our driveway for awhile, played in the backyard on the trampoline and then we went to our friends house (the Hoover's) for a few hours. They have a huge pasture behind their house and six 4-wheelers, which are a total blast! Hannah taught Sam how to do "donuts" in the snow and how to go really fast up a little hill and do an "air-jump". (Thanks Hannah!) Amanda already has the air-jumps down, but she's more reserved than Sam - so I don't mind. Sam, on the other hand, isn't afraid of anything.... Anyway, here are a few pictures of our fun day. Oh - and just so you know....Amanda has a pink and blue coat on, Sam has a light blue coat on and Hannah is wearing the black snow-suit. (It's kind of hard to tell who is who with a helmet on.)


The Haley Family said...

If you need snow come on down i have enough of the "WHITE DEATH"!!


Malma said...

I have to agree with Joe...if it snows one more time, I might scream. Come to Utah for a week and you'll be over your "snow love" until next year!! :)